Plot fragment coverage (frequence of Tn5 insertion) within given regions for groups of cells.
SingleCoveragePlot( object, region, annotation = NULL, peaks = NULL, assay = NULL, fragment.path = NULL, = NULL, window = 100, downsample = 0.1, height.tracks = 10, extend.upstream = 0, extend.downstream = 0, ymax = NULL, scale.factor = NULL, cells = NULL, idents = NULL, sep = c("-", "-") ) CoveragePlot( object, region, annotation = NULL, peaks = NULL, assay = NULL, fragment.path = NULL, = NULL, window = 100, downsample = 0.1, height.tracks = 10, extend.upstream = 0, extend.downstream = 0, scale.factor = NULL, ymax = NULL, cells = NULL, idents = NULL, sep = c("-", "-"), ... )
object | A Seurat object |
region | A set of genomic coordinates to show. Can be a GRanges object, a string, or a vector of strings describing the genomic coordinates to plot. |
annotation | An Ensembl based annotation package |
peaks | A GRanges object containing peak coordinates |
assay | Name of the assay to plot |
fragment.path | Path to an index fragment file. If NULL, will look for a
path stored for the requested assay using the | | Name of one or more metadata columns to group (color) the cells by. Default is the current cell identities |
window | Smoothing window size |
downsample | Fraction of positions to retain in the plot. |
height.tracks | Height of the accessibility tracks relative to the height of the gene annotation track. |
extend.upstream | Number of bases to extend the region upstream. |
extend.downstream | Number of bases to extend the region downstream. |
ymax | Maximum value for Y axis. If NULL (default) set to the highest value among all the tracks. |
scale.factor | Scaling factor for track height. If NULL (default), use the median group scaling factor determined by total number of fragments sequences in each group. |
cells | Which cells to plot. Default all cells |
idents | Which identities to include in the plot. Default is all identities. |
sep | Separators to use for strings encoding genomic coordinates. First element is used to separate the chromosome from the coordinates, second element is used to separate the start from end coordinate. |
... | Additional arguments passed to |
Returns a ggplot
Thanks to Andrew Hill for providing an early version of this function
# \donttest{ fpath <- system.file("extdata", "fragments.tsv.gz", package="Signac") atac_small <- SetFragments(atac_small, file = fpath) CoveragePlot(object = atac_small, region = c("chr1-713500-714500"))# }