Get the annotation from a ChromatinAssay

Annotation(object, ...)

Annotation(object, ...) <- value

# S3 method for ChromatinAssay
Annotation(object, ...)

# S3 method for Seurat
Annotation(object, ...)

# S3 method for ChromatinAssay
Annotation(object, ...) <- value

# S3 method for Seurat
Annotation(object, ...) <- value



A Seurat object or ChromatinAssay object


Arguments passed to other methods


A value to set. Can be NULL, to remove the current annotation information, or a GRanges object. If a GRanges object is supplied and the genome information is stored in the assay, the genome of the new annotations must match the genome of the assay.


Returns a GRanges object if the annotation data is present, otherwise returns NULL


# \donttest{
#> GRanges object with 100 ranges and 5 metadata columns:
#>                   seqnames        ranges strand |           tx_id     gene_name
#>                      <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle> |     <character>   <character>
#>   ENSE00001947070     chr1   29554-30039      + | ENST00000473358    MIR1302-10
#>   ENSE00001841699     chr1   30267-30667      + | ENST00000469289    MIR1302-10
#>   ENSE00003695741     chr1   30366-30503      + | ENST00000607096    MIR1302-10
#>   ENSE00001922571     chr1   30564-30667      + | ENST00000473358    MIR1302-10
#>   ENSE00001890064     chr1   30976-31109      + | ENST00000469289    MIR1302-10
#>               ...      ...           ...    ... .             ...           ...
#>   ENSE00001651491     chr1 450887-451086      + | ENST00000453935 RP4-669L17.10
#>   ENSE00001720138     chr1 453217-453318      + | ENST00000431321 RP4-669L17.10
#>   ENSE00001787178     chr1 453633-454166      - | ENST00000450983  RP4-669L17.2
#>   ENSE00001656291     chr1 453645-453948      + | ENST00000431321 RP4-669L17.10
#>   ENSE00001651822     chr1 453645-453722      + | ENST00000440163 RP4-669L17.10
#>                           gene_id gene_biotype     type
#>                       <character>  <character> <factor>
#>   ENSE00001947070 ENSG00000243485      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001841699 ENSG00000243485      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00003695741 ENSG00000243485      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001922571 ENSG00000243485      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001890064 ENSG00000243485      lincRNA     exon
#>               ...             ...          ...      ...
#>   ENSE00001651491 ENSG00000237094      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001720138 ENSG00000237094      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001787178 ENSG00000236601      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001656291 ENSG00000237094      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001651822 ENSG00000237094      lincRNA     exon
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 25 sequences from hg19 genome
# }
# \donttest{
#> GRanges object with 100 ranges and 5 metadata columns:
#>                   seqnames        ranges strand |           tx_id     gene_name
#>                      <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle> |     <character>   <character>
#>   ENSE00001947070     chr1   29554-30039      + | ENST00000473358    MIR1302-10
#>   ENSE00001841699     chr1   30267-30667      + | ENST00000469289    MIR1302-10
#>   ENSE00003695741     chr1   30366-30503      + | ENST00000607096    MIR1302-10
#>   ENSE00001922571     chr1   30564-30667      + | ENST00000473358    MIR1302-10
#>   ENSE00001890064     chr1   30976-31109      + | ENST00000469289    MIR1302-10
#>               ...      ...           ...    ... .             ...           ...
#>   ENSE00001651491     chr1 450887-451086      + | ENST00000453935 RP4-669L17.10
#>   ENSE00001720138     chr1 453217-453318      + | ENST00000431321 RP4-669L17.10
#>   ENSE00001787178     chr1 453633-454166      - | ENST00000450983  RP4-669L17.2
#>   ENSE00001656291     chr1 453645-453948      + | ENST00000431321 RP4-669L17.10
#>   ENSE00001651822     chr1 453645-453722      + | ENST00000440163 RP4-669L17.10
#>                           gene_id gene_biotype     type
#>                       <character>  <character> <factor>
#>   ENSE00001947070 ENSG00000243485      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001841699 ENSG00000243485      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00003695741 ENSG00000243485      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001922571 ENSG00000243485      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001890064 ENSG00000243485      lincRNA     exon
#>               ...             ...          ...      ...
#>   ENSE00001651491 ENSG00000237094      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001720138 ENSG00000237094      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001787178 ENSG00000236601      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001656291 ENSG00000237094      lincRNA     exon
#>   ENSE00001651822 ENSG00000237094      lincRNA     exon
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 25 sequences from hg19 genome
# }
genes <- Annotation(atac_small)
Annotation(atac_small[["peaks"]]) <- genes
genes <- Annotation(atac_small)
Annotation(atac_small) <- genes